How to become royal in bitlife

Can you be born into royalty in BitLife?

The only way to enter a line of Royalty is through birth or by dating someone royal and then marrying them.

How do I marry a royal in BitLife?

If you want to date and eventually marry someone in royalty, you need to become famous. You can do that by raising your notoriety in any manner and ultimately promote yourself to become someone worthwhile to be around.

How do I become a royal in BitLife without God Mode?

Can you marry a king in BitLife?

To marry into royalty in BitLife, you will need to get access to a member of the royal family. You can make yourself famous and have a member of royalty pursue you, or you can get really lucky and go to the gym where a member of the royal family is getting their workout on!

Can you marry a celebrity in BitLife?

Celebrities have made their way to BitLife, and you can interact with them on the various social media platforms available in the game. Beyond these minor interactions and being able to share the posts, you won’t be able to date or marry and of the known celebrities that appear in BitLife.

How do you know if someone is royalty in BitLife?

Right below your four basic stats, you will see a fifth bar that designates your Respect as a royal, much like Fame determines how famous you are as a singer, actor, or any other type of BitLife celebrity.

What is karma in BitLife?

Karma is an element to BitLife. Doing good actions will increase karma and doing bad actions will lower karma. Karma helps a player live longer and get through tough situations easier. After a character dies, it will say the level of karma they had along with their overall happiness.

Where can I find a unicorn in BitLife?

To find a Unicorn in BitLife, you will literally just have to age up and encounter one at random. There is seemingly no way to influence this and you just need to be lucky enough to run into one. Each time you age up, you get a chance to encounter an animal of some sort.

Why is BitLife 17 +?

First, this app is rated for users 17 years and older, this is because the app features many themes that are too mature for younger users. BitLife features profanity, violence, sexual content, medicine and alcohol use, and gambling- easily making this game unsuitable for kids.

What animal lives the longest in BitLife?

Hamsters and fish live the shortest lives and birds live the longest.

How do I get a billion dollars in BitLife?

To become a Billionaire in BitLife, it will require us to be a famous actor, do commercials, sell products via social media, and then get a whole bunch of houses that will gain value as we head into old age.

What is the richest country in BitLife?

Monaco, Saudi Arabia, and the USA are the richest countries in the BitLife world. Each country has its own specialties. While Saudi Arabia does not have an income tax for its citizens, Monaco is a good tax shelter. But the cost of living is higher than most of the other countries.

What’s the highest paying job in BitLife?

The highest paying job in BitLife is going to be a Lead Actor or Singer. These careers both get you the fame bar, which can also be used to get a lot of money. The careers themselves have a high salary, but you can also use the Fame tab to write a book, film a commercial, and pose in a magazine.

What does craziness do in BitLife?

Craziness – A crazy inmate will assault your character more even for good actions like complimenting them.

Can you be the president in BitLife?

In the game of BitLife, you can become anything you want, including the President of the United States.

Can you be adopted in BitLife?

It is possible to adopt a child if your partner has a pregnancy with another person by cheating on your character or by a threesome. Also, you can now adopt a child up to 17 years old. Previously, the maximum age was 7. In March 2020, Adoption has been overhauled for iOS, allowing for foreign children to adopt.

Can you become a famous dancer in BitLife?

Regarding the jobs, you can be an actor, a model, exotic dancer, adult star, a magician, a singer, and more. Any job that you can think of that has to do with the entertainment industry or performing in real life, can get you toward being famous in this game.

Can you be a famous chef in BitLife?

Yes, you can become a famous chef. In bitlife this is called “celebrity chef”.

