Brad William Henke Weight: 290 lb (132 kg)
How old is Brad William Henke? When is Brad William Henke's birthday? Where is Brad William Henke born? Where did Brad William Henke grow up from? What's Brad William Henke's age?
Brad William Henke Born: April 10, 1966 (age 56 years), Columbus, Nebraska, United States
Is Brad William Henke married? When did Brad William Henke get married? Who's Brad William Henke's married to? (Who's Brad William Henke's husband / wife)?
Brad William Henke Spouse: Katelin Chesna Henke (m. 2001–2008)
Does Brad William Henke have any children? What are the names of Brad William Henke's children? What are the ages of Brad William Henke's children?
Brad William Henke Children: Phoenix Henke
Brad William Henke Height: 1.93 m